Friday, September 19, 2008


We are in Denver! It's great to be back in a real city. But let me say how thankful I am that we don't have to permanently live in an apartment. Geez, the noise never stops. I'll live though it's only a couple weeks. And then it's off to Indiana.

I went to the grocery store this morning, I really like King Soopers. It's clean, organized, pretty, and I actually could check out quickly! Oh, and I could use the Smith's gift card we bought too. (Oh, I saved 50% too. Okay, I only bought 5 things, but still thats good.)

This weekend is the Women of Faith conference in Denver. I'm so excited to be able to go! (Thanks Sharon!) I'm looking forward to being with like minded women and spending some time singing and learning more about the word of God. 

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