Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Crab Legs

We tried king crab legs today! I didn't have a pot large enough to boil them in, so I baked them... They turned out pretty good. Different than what we are used, but good. It was quite a challenge getting the meat out because we didn't have a nut cracker so we just broke what we could with our hand and used both ends of a fork to pull the meat out. 

Another fun adventure in the realm of food. Next I want to learn to make hummus. Yummy!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Well, today has been the worst day since Courtney left. I do not have work /class. I do not have a presentation to prepare for. I am just left to my own devices - being lazy in my room. Being in Denver has gone by fast, and I cannot wait to hopefully get transferred here. I dont realize how much I do like the city until I am actually near one. On Thursday, I have my final exam. On Friday, my dad is coming up. On Sunday, we are driving to Indiana, and on Tuesday, I go pick up Courtney. It feels like its been 3 weeks since I have talked to her.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

That's what they say time apart does. Maybe it's true, I miss Nick terribly. I'm so torn. I'm excited to be going to Brazil Monday, but I wish I could see Nick sooner or that he was going too. 

I've got to see lots of my friends in Indiana, that's been nice. 
I've hung out with Jess a couple times. We even ran once and I could keep up, maybe its the elevation thing. We've also played WII Doctor Mario, she is so much better than me, but she has played alot. Maybe we'll get a WII for Christmas. 
I went up to Lafayette for one day to see Beth. We went shopping like old times. She fixed a yummy dinner with real mashed potatoes. I even got Nick and I matching sweatshirts with her discount, how cute.
Melanie and I went out to dinner and got a couple things for the boys. I'm going to go see the boys Saturday and give them a couple presents.
I went to mamaw Hedrick's for a couple days. We went to both of my aunt's houses and to Frenchlick to see the dome and hotel there. It was pretty neat. The dome place looked so nice and to see how bad it looked at one time is amazing. Lots of hard restoration work there.
I've visited my mamaw Elmore a couple times, but I can't stay there long because the smoke smell makes me sick. 

I've also been working while in Indiana. Which is good and bad. I want to do everything while I'm here, but I have responsibilities with work. I should have taken a sabbatical ;). Today is the last day I have to work until I get back. But that day and today might not be much fun because Katrina is gone today and the deadline when I get back is for the Thanksgiving paper. Oh well, I guess we'll have money when we get back.

My mom and I carved pumpkins last night. Mine is an owl, hers says boo and has a cat. I picked a much easier one, but I like it. 

Well that was alot, but I haven't wrote in a while. (Thanks honey for the encouragement.) And I probably won't write again until I get back from Brazil. 

Friday, September 19, 2008


We are in Denver! It's great to be back in a real city. But let me say how thankful I am that we don't have to permanently live in an apartment. Geez, the noise never stops. I'll live though it's only a couple weeks. And then it's off to Indiana.

I went to the grocery store this morning, I really like King Soopers. It's clean, organized, pretty, and I actually could check out quickly! Oh, and I could use the Smith's gift card we bought too. (Oh, I saved 50% too. Okay, I only bought 5 things, but still thats good.)

This weekend is the Women of Faith conference in Denver. I'm so excited to be able to go! (Thanks Sharon!) I'm looking forward to being with like minded women and spending some time singing and learning more about the word of God. 

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Rose Bushes

Okay, well that's a no go on the shed doors. To much money. So I'll try and dig up the rose bushes today to make room for the daffodils I dug up from in-front of the house earlier this summer. I also got some plastic edging I'm going to use for that bed and along the fence where nothing really grows right now.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Shed Doors

Well we've been here 2 years and the shed doors still need fixed. Today is the day its going to be started. I think I'm going to change it from one huge door to two smaller more manageable doors, especially since I'm probably going to have to hang them by myself since Nick is working. I think this will help them not want to fall off since they way less this way too. Off to Lowes.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Selling on Etsy

Check out my new store on Etsy, the place to buy all things handmade.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


You found us!

General Update:
We are living in Vernal, Utah. We have been here for 2 years and have got to see many of the beautiful things that the west has to offer. Nick's schedule allowed us to travel nearly one week every month, the only things holding us back are weather and money! 

Current Info:
Nick is cross-training in Cement so he has every other weekend off, but his hours are very varied. I am still working part-time and trying to get everything set up so I can work completely from home, wherever that may be. I'm also going to be selling cards and other items I've created on Etsy. Check them out!