Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Chicken Curry

Frozen for next time. Not all that pretty once cooked, but tasty!

Chicken Curry

Review: Tasty, easy once all is chopped. I think I may have misunderstood the directions. I used the amounts called for but split it between two bags. One bag just served 2.5. So next time I'll double it. I love that I can just throw it all in the crockpot next time.

Changes: Added a green pepper I needed to use. Also I can find the chicken stock I liked in Denver here in Pittsburg, so I used vegetable stock instead.

Served With: Nothing, its a whole meal in one pot! A simple salad would be nice though, with a mango dressing. Hmmm...

1 comment:

Amy Hall said...

I recently tried a curry dish and was not a fan of the curry taste or the curry smell that lingered. I think I might try this one though because Scott likes curry and I am willing to give it a second try!