Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fabric Pumpkin

If you read this blog because you know me in real life, you know that I also enjoy doing crafty things. Only problem, I have a hard time finishing anything. I guess that's why cooking is good, we have to eat! (The clean up can wait for tomorrow ;)) It seems like forever but finally I have had some time to craft, Abigail is getting old enough that she can play for a few minutes and I can get something done!

So I saw these cute fabric pumpkins here and thought, I could do that and I can use stuff I already have! This is a wonderful tutorial, every step clearly laid out. Perfect. I've been wanting to bust out the sewing machine and this was a good excuse. I had a few hiccups along the way, like using the wrong stitch and seeing the thread when I started stuffing, and it was a bit difficult to sew on the stem. I also didn't have yarn or a big plastic needle, so I used some twine and just wrapped it around. Abigail won't be playing with this.

Well, here is the final product! I'm satisfied, it's not perfect, but I like it and it looks lovely on my dining room table with the clearance place mats I got from Walmart last week. Hope you enjoy and get inspired!

Linking up here: I Heart Nap Time

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