Sunday, September 11, 2011

Meal Plan September 12-18

Well we again didn't get to one of the recipes from last week. So we shall have Chicken Curry this week. Not to make excuses, (but to make excuses) Walmart only had rotten mangos. So I had to make a trip to the regular grocery today when we ran out of milk and get the mango there at Giant Eagle.

Also Nick is going to be gone 2 nights this week and we will be out of town for 3. So I don't have much for this week. Or next for that matter, because again we will be out of town. But I will still try and post something every couple of days.

Chicken Curry in the Crockpot
Grilled cheese
Too much eating out...

1 comment:

Amy Hall said...

I saw you repinned that awesome meal planning binder off Pintrest! I am so excited! I think I am going to tweak it and use it! Have fun out of town for your few days. Scott is out of town all week next week back at Piacense Creek (sp). I think Noah and I will be eating lots of grilled pizza and cereal and fruit smoothies! :)